Feast of Trumpets (Rosh HaShanah) Begins October 2, in the Evening Jewish HolidaydebySeptember 29, 2024Feast of Trumpets, Rosh HaShanah, Song For IsraelComment
Today is Day #351 Since the War(s) Started in Israel on October 7th Operation Lifeshield (Bomb Shelter Project)debySeptember 22, 2024Song For Israel, October 7th, Israel War with Hamas, Israel Hezbollah WarComment
Prayer Update from the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem debyAugust 1, 2024Israel at War, Israel, Israel and Iran, Song For Israel Comments
Red Heifers are Alive and Well in Shiloh, Israel Israel Tours, NewsdebyJuly 8, 2024Red Heifers, Song For Israel, Shioh, Israel
Special Event - Aharon Levarko from Israel - July 16th, 7 pm EventsdebyJuly 7, 2024Aharon Levarko, Song For Israel, Israel, Tour Guide, Israel TourComment
The Processes of Excavating and Preserving an Archaeological Dig - Shiloh, Israel debyJuly 2, 2024Archaeology, Shiloh, IsraelComment
One of Jerusalem's Best Views - From the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City debyJune 23, 2024Hurva Synagogue, Old City Jerusalem, Song For IsraelComment
I'm Back in Israel for an Archaeological Dig in Shiloh debyJune 21, 2024Song For Israel, Associates for Biblical Research, Shiloh, TabernacleComment
Yom Yerushalayim -- Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: יום ירושלים) Jewish HolidaydebyJune 3, 2024Jerusalem Day Comment
God's Plan Vs. Satan's Plan and How the Battle is Playing out Today debyMay 27, 2024Anti-Semitism, From the River to the Sea, Free Free Palestine, Apartheid, Arab Refugees, Two-State SolutionComment