"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Walk For Israel Celebrating Israel's 76th Anniversary

Last night many from Orange County gathered to “Walk For Israel” on a busy street in Yorba Linda, California. We carried Israeli flags and signs in support of Israel as we walked. 200 cars honked in approval and many more gave us a thumbs up as they passed by.

As we approached the Yorba Linda Chabad, one of the rabbis, along with many others from the congregation, came out to thank us for what we were doing. They said in these dark days, it was such an encouragement to see us walking by in support of Israel. We stopped to take pictures by their menorah and then the rabbi led us in singing Oseh Shalom.

We had asked the OC Sheriff if they could do a few drive bys while we walked. They stepped up and had THREE sheriff vehicles following us the entire walk. We thanked them over and over.

The group met at a restaurant after the walk for dinner. Enjoy a few of the pictures.
