Shmuel Bowman, Executive Director Operation Lifeshield and Deby Brown, Director Song For Israel
Our current shelter project will be in Northern Israel, where we believe will be the center of the next war between Israel and Hezbollah/Iran. When the sirens are heard, citizens have 7-9 seconds to run for shelter. Where will they run? There is no safe place.
Song For Israel was asked to help. Hamas and Hezbollah have been sending rockets to hit Israel's borders. We have previously provided funds for seven shelters. Our current project is a shelter that costs $29,000. We need your help to complete the project and save lives now.
Will you contribute to our next campaign and help save lives in Israel?
Click here to contribute to the Bomb Shelter fund. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Bomb Shelter #1
Our first Bomb Shelter was donated in 2015 to provide shelter for children and teenagers living at the Eden Center, which is located in Sderot in the Negev region of Israel This school is for abused girls ages 12-18 and is located just two miles from the Gaza Border. Rockets land in or near this school regularly because they are so close to the border and when the sirens are heard, the girls only have 7 seconds to run for shelter. Therefore, many smaller shelters are needed for quick access. Deby Brown, Song for Israel Director, is pictured (above) with Shmuel Bowman, Executive Director of Operation Lifeshield. We are standing inside a “bell-shaped” shelter. Song For Israel donated $16,000 to pay for this.
The shelter will serve as a lasting testimony of Christian love to those who seek safety and comfort inside. It is a wonderful opportunity to express love to the Jewish people.

Bomb Shelter #2
Our second Bomb Shelter was donated to provide shelter for students at an agricultural high school in Kfar Silver (translated Silver Village). Kfar Silver is a youth village in Southern Israel, located near Ashkelon (just a few miles from the Gaza Strip), where 1,200+ students attend.
The shelter donated by Song For Israel was placed on a football field. $16,000 was donated to pay for this shelter to save lives.
Click here to help save lives in Israel.

Bomb Shelter #3
Our third Bomb Shelter was donated in 2019 and was placed in Zohar in the Eshkol Region at a community art center. This art center helps relieve stress by creating art as trauma therapy for those struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because of incoming rockets. Behind us, just less than a mile, is the Gaza Border.
This art center is located near a small restaurant where the sign on the door reads: "We have no bomb shelter, but great food and great people!" I was introduced to the owner and told her she would soon need to take her sign down! Shmuel explained that the new shelter would be delivered soon. The expected delivery for this shelter will be around June.
In the picture with Shmuel Bowman (Executive Director of Operation Lifeshield), Deby Brown (Director of Song For Israel) and Limor Eilat (Director Artists Center), you can see behind us, just less than a mile, is the Gaza Border.
Please watch the video to the right of Limor Eilat sharing about the reasons bomb shelters are needed in Israel.
Please help save lives in Israel by donating to put shelters in the Gaza border areas. Please click here.

Bomb Shelters #4 and #5
Our Fourth & Fifth Bomb Shelters were Placed in 2020
Our 4th and 5th shelters were placed at schools near the Gaza border. They were delivered mid July in 2020. Beit Gadyi is an elementary school in the Sdot Negev Region near Netivot and Tushiya (beside Kfar Maimon which was struck by two rockets from Gaza on July 5th). The other shelter was delivered to a school in Ma’agalim. Video will be available as soon as it is translated. These larger shelters cost $25, 000 each and are made of concrete and steel.
Read the article below to learn more about the donor for bomb shelters #4, #5 and #7.
Children Should Not have to Live in Fear
Do you agree with this statement? Brant Peto did--enough to do something unexpected and wonderful!
In December of 2020, Vickie stopped in to let her son, Brant, know that she and her grand-daughter were getting ready to leave for the Song For Israel (SFI) Chanukah party. Brant (age 31) had been struggling with brain cancer for over a year and a caretaker took over for his moth, allowing Vickie to attend the party.
When Vickie returned home, Brant wanted to know more about SFI and what their charity was about. She explained that their vision was "to proclaim God's eternal plan for Israel," and that one of the things they do is collect funds to provide bomb shelters for schools in Israel. He asked, "Why would schools need bomb shelters?" She explained that those living near the Gaza border experienced rockets from Gaza regularly, and shelters were needed for the children. Brant had not realized this danger and said, "Kids should not be living in fear." Vickie asked Deby Brown, director of Song For Israel to come and share more about the ICEJ (International Christian Embassy Jerusalem) bomb shelter program with Brant.
Brant Peto, Donor of Bomb Shelters #4, #5 and #7
When Deby went to visit, Brant's brain cancer had progressed to the point he was paralyzed. She showed him pictures of the schools where SFI had already provided shelters and explained the need for more. He was very excited to learn about the shelters and wanted to help. Brant was an entrepreneurial genius and had started several successful companies at a young age. During the visit, Brant indicated his desire to donate not one but two bomb shelters for two different elementary schools.
The shelters were placed at Beit HaGadi School and Ma'aglim School. Brant passed away the week that the shelters were installed but his gift will continue to save lives in Israel. Song For Israel participants honored Brant with a beautiful memorial garden. A few weeks later, a surprise donation provided a beautiful plaque in the garden.
Brant also left in his estate, enough to pay for Bomb Shelter #7 (see below).
BOMB SHELTER #6 - Placed in June, 2021
Our 6th shelter was placed at Kibbutz Usha, Zevulin Region, in the western Galilee area of Israel (Northern Israel), located near the city of Kiryat Atta. This shelter was donated with specific instructions to be placed beside a kindergarten. This is our first shelter to be donated in the northern part of Israel.
Hezbollah has been attacking Israel on the Lebanese border and Iran is backing these attacks. We believe the next war with Israel could be from every border, but the Northern border is becoming the most volatile.
We are now changing our focus from providing shelters on the Gaza border to the Northern border.
BOMB SHELTER #7 - Funds were provided in December 2021. It was placed at a school in the Northern Israel city of Maalot-Tarshiha. This shelter was just delivered to the Netiv Meir Religious Girls School in Maalot.
This region in Northern Israel is so close to the Lebanon border that the IDF instructs residents to seek shelter IMMEDIATELY when rocket sirens sound. They aren't even allotted a specific number of seconds like other communities.
BOMB SHELTER #8 - As of year-end in 2021, we received donations to complete this shelter for $28,600. This shelter was placed in March 2022 in Northern Israel at the Israel Tennis and Education Center - Hatzor HaG’lilit for disadvantaged youth at risk. This bomb shelter cost $26,500 and we are so grateful for the many donors who helped make this happen to save lives in Israel!
There was no bomb shelter at this facility and the one provided by Song For Israel will save lives!
The Israel Tennis & Education Centers offers uniquely designed programs to meet the specific needs of its children. Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics routinely assesses the numbers and demographics regarding children and youth-at-risk under the age of 17 in Israel and the findings are startling. A recent UNICEF report revealed that child poverty in Israel has increased to a record 35.6% of its total child population. The report also indicated that Israel has the highest rate of young adults aged 15 – 24, 30.7%, who are not in education, employment, or training. While some of that can be attributed to the country’s mandatory military service, it, more importantly, points out the need for organizations like the Israel Tennis & Education Centers, serving over 20,000 children throughout Israel with critical life skills that will enable them to succeed as adults.
BOMB SHELTER #9 - This shelter was funded in January 2023 and will be placed at the Ohr Simcha Children's Village, Kfar Chabad (near Ben Gurion Airport). The school serves 6-18 year old boys living at residential school, and removed by Courts from their biological families. Their location is next to the airport making this place a target of rocket attacks.
Bomb Shelter #10 - Migdal
BOMB SHELTER #10 - What a blessing it is to know we are saving lives in Israel by providing another bomb shelter. This is our tenth donated shelter that has been placed at a school in Migdal, Israel, today, April 9th, 2024. This school is also a residence for kids with special needs and is called "וחי אחיך עמך". The name of the school loosely translates “and your brother lives with you.” A huge thank you to everyone who donated to make this shelter possible! At this location, there is a small manufacturing plant that makes cement tables and misc. wood-crafted projects that are sold to help finance those living at the school.
BOMB SHELTER #11 - Two shelters were provided by Song For Israel in 2024. In November, we completed shelter #11 which went to Kfar Galim Youth Village Residential School in Northern Israel.
BOMB SHELTER #12 - Donations came within SIX weeks for this shelter that cost $29,000! Stay tuned for more information on where this shelter will be placed. Hopefully, the money can be wired by the end of 2024!
BOMB SHELTER #13 - Because there is such a need for shelters in Israel, once one campaign is completed, another begins!
It is with grateful hearts that Song For Israel is able to donate these shelters, saving lives in Israel. Thank you to each and every donor who partnered with us with gifts ranging from $10 to $50,000!
On one visit to Israel, Deby Brown (Director of Song For Israel) and Shmuel Bowman (Executive Director Operation Lifeshield) produced this quick video in Jerusalem:
Please watch this video and then click here to donate to this project. Thank you for helping us to bless Israel!
We can make a difference in Israel. We are asking you to partner with us to protect the lives of our Jewish friends in their God-given country. Please make a contribution today and know that you are helping people find safety because of your gift.
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