Guest Speaker from Israel - Sunday, April 27th - 2:30 PM with Aharon Levarko EventsdebyMarch 23, 2025Aharon Levarko, I Will Make Your Name Great, Song For IsraelComment
Saturday, April 12th, 4 PM - Passover Seder EventsdebyMarch 7, 2025Passover Seder, Ben David Messianic Jewish Congregation, Song For IsraelComment
Special Event - Aharon Levarko from Israel - July 16th, 7 pm EventsdebyJuly 7, 2024Aharon Levarko, Song For Israel, Israel, Tour Guide, Israel TourComment
"As In The Days of Noah" -- Are We Here Now? Events, Supplemental, DevotionaldebyJanuary 28, 2024The Seals in the Book of Revelation, Matthew 24Comment
Song For Israel Prophecy Conference Presentations EventsdebySeptember 14, 2022Dr. Chris Ward, Deby Brown, Song For IsraelComment
SONG FOR ISRAEL PROPHECY CONFERENCE SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2022, 2 - 5 PM EventsdebyAugust 11, 2022Prophecy ConferenceComment
MAY 5 (THURSDAY) — WALK FOR ISRAEL IN YORBA LINDA, 6:00 PM EventsdebyApril 29, 2022Walk For IsraelComment
SPECIAL EVENT! Friday, April 8 - Thomas Winder, Archaeologist in Israel EventsdebyApril 2, 2022 Comment
Pictures from our Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) Celebration Dinner Events, Jewish HolidaydebySeptember 30, 2021Song For Israel, Feast of Tabernacles Comment
Register for the Feast of Tabernacles Celebration Dinner - September 26th EventsdebyAugust 17, 2021Feast of TabernaclesComment
Photos from our "Walk For Israel" Celebrating Israel's Independence Day EventsdebyApril 17, 2021Walk For IsraelComment
#GivingTuesdayNOW is this Tuesday, May 5th EventsdebyApril 30, 2020#GivingTuesdayNow, #GivingTuesday, #Donate, #Partner
$100 Early-Bird Discount to those Registering for our Israel Tour 2020 by July 31st EventsdebyJuly 25, 2019Israel Tour
Feast of Tabernacles Celebration Dinner September 30th EventsdebyFebruary 15, 2019Sukkot, Feast of Tabernacles, Song For Israel, Feast