Breaking News - Attacks on Israel -- "Operation Breaking Dawn" News, Operation Lifeshield (Bomb Shelter Project)debyAugust 5, 2022Operation Breaking Dawn, Operation Lifeshield, Rockets Fired from GazaComment
Israel's Current Government (Knesset) is about to Collapse NewsdebyJune 22, 2022Israel Knesset, Yair LapidComment
Israel Will Simulate Massive IDF Military Strike on Iran NewsdebyMay 20, 2022Israel Defense Force, IDF, Israel MilitaryComment
Clashes on the Temple Mount this Week as Three Religious Holidays are Observed NewsdebyApril 18, 2022Temple Mount, Ramadan, Passover, Operation LifeshieldComment
Jerusalem Fire Destroyed a Biblical Harp Workshop NewsdebySeptember 5, 2021Jerusalem fire, Harps of David, The Temple Institute, Israel tour
Israel Headed Toward another Lockdown and Another Israel Tour Postponed NewsdebyAugust 5, 2021Israel Tour, Song For IsraelComment
Recommended Summer Reading News, SupplementaldebyAugust 4, 2021God'sPlanForIsrael, Israel, SongForIsraelComment
Boycott Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream as They Brand themselves to be an “Anti-Israel Ice Cream” NewsdebyJuly 21, 2021Ben & Jerry's, BDS, Boycott Comment
Isaac Herzog Sworn in as the Eleventh President of Israel NewsdebyJuly 8, 2021Israel President, Isaac Herzog, Reuben Rivlin, Song For IsraelComment
Operation Guardian of the Walls NewsdebyMay 17, 2021Operation Guardian of the Walls, Israel war May 2021, Song For Israel, Bomb ShelterComment
Update on The War In Israel NewsdebyMay 16, 2021Iron Dome, War in Israel, Bomb Shelter, Song For IsraelComment
Hundreds of Rockets Continue Launching into Israel NewsdebyMay 11, 2021Bomb SHelter, Israel, SongForIsraelComment
Most of Israel Opens up after Second Lockdown NewsdebyOctober 16, 2020Ben Gurion Airport, Israel Tour 2021, Greece Tour 2021, Coronavirus in IsraelComment
Historic Breakthrough Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates NewsdebyAugust 22, 2020UAE, Israel and United Arab EmiratesComment