"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Recommended Summer Reading

Authored by Deby Brown

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There is no other nation in history that has experienced what Israel has. Throughout history, people and nations have tried to destroy the Jewish people. With anti-Semitism on the rise once more and enemies threatening to wipe Israel from the face of the earth, many Christians want to instead show their love for Israel and the Jewish people. However, most Christians have no idea how to show support for or defend the Jewish people.

Understanding God’s Eternal Plan for Israel provides an overview of the Israel’s spiritual, historical, and political history, challenging believers in Christ to bless Israel and its people. Christians believers can learn about the biblical holy days (or feasts), how God called Israel to be a chosen nation to accomplish his work, and how the Middle Eastern conflict began and why it matters for both the Jewish people and Christians today.

If Christians can understand God’s plan for Israel, then we can be in alignment with the Word of God. We must examine the evidence for ourselves and then we can be prepared to support our Jewish brothers and sisters and the nation of Israel as they carry out God’s chosen plan.


Deby’s love for and knowledge of Israel is evident in every word. You will understand the history of the Israeli nation and the current difficulties they are experiencing. In addition, you will gain a new appreciation of how the church and the Jewish heritage are intricately woven by God’s design. Every Christian should read this book.  Karla Downing

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