A Message from Our Tourguide in Israel Regarding Tours

Today, Song For Israel received some very positive updates from our tour partners in Israel (Aharon Levarko, our tour guide and NET, the tour agency). Here are their thoughts on the current conditions, and how things have developed over the past several months.
Tours are starting to actively operate once again. Just this past week, a group of pastors from the United States toured Israel. They wanted to see for themselves the conditions in Israel and how it would affect group travel. Here is their response about bringing a group to Israel:
“Let them come! The sites are empty, and they can have the places all for themselves. It will give them the time to read Scripture and have a greater spiritual experience.”
All the tourist sites are open with very little exception. The West Bank areas (Jericho and Bethlehem for most groups) have been very quiet, and arrangements can be made to visit them. (Except for the areas of Tel Dan and Caesarea Philippi on the northern border, caution is still advised at the moment.) However, they are anticipating the northern sites to be open hopefully in the near future.
Israelis are living life as normal. They are dropping off their children at school, going to work, traveling within and outside of the country, doing their grocery shopping, going to the park, visiting each other’s homes, and living their lives as usual.
While the fighting in Gaza continues, talk is already underway for a complete ceasefire. Visitors to Israel are not going to be seeing a war-torn land. Gaza is a remote and small segment of land, and tourists will not see the effects of war other than memorials or banners from Israelis showing their support, care, and hope for those who are fighting or have been captured.
Our suppliers, guides, drivers, hotels, and tourist sites are ready and waiting to serve groups again. Groups that are traveling this spring and summer will experience a unique experience without the heavy crowds typically seen at popular sites.
Song For Israel cancelled our Spring tour due to the war, but have an amazing Fall tour ready for you! The dates are October 13-26, 2024, during the holy holiday of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Tour the sites and enjoy the special opportunity of being in Israel during this holiday season! To learn more about this and other upcoming tours, please click here.
Tourism is one of Israels ways to replenish their financial losses from this war. Join us in supporting Israel by touring the land. You may also want to donate money now during the war to help with our bomb shelter campaign. Help save lives! To learn more, click here.