Israel Under Rocket Attack Again
Yesterday and today, Israel's border has been under rocket attack and attacks appear to be escalating. Over the past three months, Hamas protests called "The March of Return," have hit Israel's borders. Hundreds of incendiary kites and balloons that have been launched by Hamas into Israeli territory and setting the border on fire. Over 7,000 acres have been burned, including a nature reserve that backs up to the kibbutz where Song For Israel placed our first bomb shelter. This has cost millions of shekels as well as distress to the farmer who owned most of the land that was destroyed. Some of the balloons that have recently been flown into Israeli territory have been booby-trapped.
Israeli soldiers walk amidst smoke from a fire in a wheat field near the Kibbutz of Hahol Oz, along the border with the Gaza Strip, which was caused by incendiaries tied to kites flown by Palestinian protesters from across the border (May 14, 2018 - Jack Guez/AFP)
In response to these attacks, Prime Minister Netanyahu notified Hamas recently that if the incendiary kite and balloon attacks from the Gaza Strip don't cease, Israel will respond with major military action. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) does not want to escalate matters into a war, so Israel announced last Monday that they would be shutting down the Kerem Shalom border crossing -- the Strip's main crossing for commercial goods -- and that it would remain closed until the kite fire attacks end. (Humanitarian and essential supplies will continue to enter Gaza, but would require special permission.)
The rocket attacks occurring now are Hamas' response to this announcement. The IDF has confirmed that one of its aircraft fired at a cell that had launched balloons towards Israel from northern Gaza. There were no injuries reported.
Please pray that aggressions do not escalate into a full-blown war. Pray for the safety of the innocent lives in Israel and protection of land. Download the "Red Alert" app and get notifications in real time and pray as each rocket is detected.
Donate toward our third bomb shelter project. We have collected $14,000 toward the $21,000 shelter that will be placed in the Eskhol Region, which is being rocketed now.
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