A Prayer for 2015
Our Father in Heaven,
As we reflect on 2014, we recognize that You have been watching over us, showing us favor and guiding our every step. Thank you for the challenges that you put in our paths to cause us to depend on You. We ask forgiveness for the times when we did not seek Your face nor follow Your ways.
As we begin a new year, we commit ourselves to You afresh, asking for Your help that we might please You in all that we do. Draw us closer to You through prayer. Teach us to depend even more on You. Draw us to your precious Word, that we may discover even more of who You are. Give us strength to choose to walk in your ways and not ours. Would you use us to make a difference for You in our world in 2015?
We humble ourselves before you, The Holy One of Israel. You have watched over Israel for thousands of years and You have not forgotten Your people. Your covenant endures forever.
We pray for those in living in Israel today, that You would cause them to seek Your face in 2015 and that You would comfort them during any attacks that may come from every side. Please keep them safe. We pray that Your people would recognize that YOU are the One Who is protecting them and that YOU are the refuge they can run to.
We pray for the Jewish people and the Christians throughout the world who are being persecuted—that they would not lose hope—that You would protect their minds and provide a way of escape.
Abba, please forgive our nation, as we have turned away from You. Would You purge the wickedness from the United States and restore us to a right relationship with You? Would You provide us with Godly leaders who would strive to please You?
Fill us with Your love and Your power, that we might be effective witnesses of Messiah in our community. We ask that you strengthen us and that you would provide all that we need to serve you.
We pray that we would grow in the grace and knowledge of Messiah in 2015.
Thank You for hearing our prayer. We pray these things in the name of Yeshua (Jesus)!