A News Briefing From our Bomb Shelter Affiliate, Operation Lifeshield
The radio has been on constantly. That's what Israelis do in times of crisis...we listen to the radio. Every 5 minutes an announcement of another Code Red siren somewhere. I can't say "Southern Israel" anymore...the Tel Aviv area has been hit by Grad rockets and sirens can be heard in Israel's largest city. And with each and every Code Red siren, dozens, hundreds, thousands of Israelis run for cover. The shelters are packed with families, the elderly, friends. Where there aren't shelters, a stairwell will have to suffice.
As we enter into Shabbat {Sabbath rest, which begins Friday night at sundown}, it will not be very restful for many Israelis. While the IDF {Israeli Defense Force} continues to dismantle the Hamas terrorist regime, rockets from Gaza have Israelis running for cover. But if you ask most Israelis, they'll tell you it's worth it.
Blessings from Israel,
Shmuel Bowman, Executive Director
Operation Lifeshield
In addition, here is a message from the Ashkelon Mayor Vaknin in Israel as he sends an email to Operation Lifeshield: "Dear Shmuel Bowman and friends of Operation Lifeshield. Thank you for your concern for us. It warms our heart and gives us strength to hold on. Mayor Benny Vaknin is in busy in the Ashkelon Security Situation Room, or touring the city, or giving interviews to the media. Thank you, again, and we are praying that we will merit favor with the Creator of the World."