The United Nations General Assembly September 2012
Over the past few days, many words have been said to the world at the United Nations General Assembly. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shared about the marvel of the Jewish state. He reminded the world that the land of Israel has been inhabited consistently for the past 3,000 years. Although many times the Jewish people were exiled from their land, there always remained a remnant in that land. He shared that every life is sacred and should be protected.
He made pointed remarks obviously directed to the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Netyanhu discussed the progress of Iran's nuclear program and urged a "red line" be drawn before Iran is 100% armed and uses it against Israel, America and the world. With Iranian armed with atomic bombs, he asked "Who among you would be safe in the Middle East? Who would be safe in Europe? Who would be safe in America? Who would be safe anywhere?"
Netanyahu went on to say: "President Abbas (Palestine) just spoke here. I say to him and I say to you, we won't solve our conflict with libellous speeches at the UN. That is not the way to solve them. We won't solve our conflict with unilateral declarations of statehood. We have to sit together, negotiate together, and reach a mutual compromise in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes the one and only Jewish state."
Netanyahu has been speaking again Iran's nuclear issue for 15 years. He speaks now because the hour is getting late. He said: "When it comes to the survival of my country, it is not only my right to speak, but my duty to speak." Diplomatic efforts and sanctions to curb Iran's nuclear progress have helped, but not stopped their program. Iran marches forward with their agenda. "There is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting atomic bombs. That is by placing a "red line" on Iran's nuclear weapons program. Red lines don't lead to war; they prevent war."
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discussed the world economic situation. He said: "Poverty is on the rise and the gap is widening between the rich and the poor.Arms race and intimidation by nuclear weapons and weapons of mass-destruction by the hegemonic powers have become prevalent: Testing new generations of ultra-modern weaponry and the pledge to disclose these armaments on due time is now being used as a new language of threat against nations to coerce them into accepting a new era of hegemony. Continued threat by the uncivilized Zionists to resort to military action against our great nation is a clear example of this bitter reality. A state of mistrust has cast its shadow on the international relations, whilst there is no trusted or just authority to help resolve world conflicts." espite all efforts made by righteous people and justice seekers, and the sufferings and pains endured by masses of people in the quest to achieve happiness and victory, the history of mankind, except in rare cases, is marked with unfulfilled dreams and failures.
His solution to the world problem is this: a one-world order, promising lasting peace, security and happiness. He said: "God Almighty has promised us a man of kindness, a man who loves people and loves absolute justice, a man who is a perfect human being and is named Imam A1-Mahdi, a man who will come in the company of Jesus Christ and the righteous. By using the inherent potential of all the worthy men and women of all nations and I repeat, the inherent potential of "all the worthy men and women of all nations" he will lead humanity into achieving its glorious and eternal ideals. The arrival of the Ultimate Savior will mark a new beginning, a rebirth and a resurrection. It will be the beginning of peace, lasting security and genuine life."
Ahmadinejad said the coming reign of the Twelfth Imam on earth "will bring about an eternally bright future for mankind, not by force or waging wars but through thought awakening and developing kindness in everyone." The Iranian leader did not offer a specific timetable, but he did say the "sweet scent" of the Mahdi's global reign "will soon reach all the territories in Asia, Europe, Africa and the U.S."
American President Barak Obama began his speech reviewing the attacks on the civilians in Benghazi and killing of Chris Stevens. He explained that this is not the way to solve world problems. He said: "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied. Together, we must work towards a work where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies. That's the vision we will support. Among Israelis and Palestinians, the future must not belong to those who turn their backs on the prospect of peace. Let us leave behind those who thrive on conflict, those who reject the right of Israel to exist. The road is hard, but the destination is clear: a secure Jewish state of Israel and an independent, prosperous Palestine."
Obama turned his speech to focus on Iran and discussed where the path of a violent and unaccountable ideology leads. Time and again,Iran has failed to take the opportunity to demonstrate that its nuclear program is peaceful and to meet its obligations to the United Nations.
Here are further excerpts from Obama's speech:
"So let me be clear: America wants to resolve this issue through diplomacy, and we believe that there is still time and space to do so. But that time is not unlimited."
"We respect the right of nations to access peaceful nuclear power, but one of the purposes of the United Nations is to see that we harness that power for peace."
"Make no mistake: A nuclear-armed Iran is not a challenge that can be contained. It would threaten the elimination of Israel, the security of Gulf nations, and the stability of the global economy. It risks triggering a nuclear arms race in the region, and the unraveling of the Non-Proliferation Treaty."
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas called for a "new approach" to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict but failed to offer anything fresh.