"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


UNESCO Votes Today on a Resolution to Make the Western Wall an Exclusively Muslim Holy Site

Song For Israel was shocked to learn that today, October 20, 2015, UNESCO is scheduled to vote on a Palestinian draft resolution, declaring that the Western Wall is a Muslim site. The Western Wall is a holy site to the Jewish people as well as Christians. It is an absurd concept that the Western Wall (Kotel in Hebrew) would be considered Muslim and if passed, there will be more bloodshed over this. UNESCO is an abbreviation for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. They have a reputation for passing anti-Israel resolutions. The resolution was submitted by Morocco, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. It is described as a “total Islamization” of the holy site.

 The Temple Mount issue has already sparked Palestinian violence against Jewish citizens of Israel. The timing of this resolution could not be worse. Palestinian terrorists are in the middle of a terror campaign, stabbing innocent civilians in Israel. Now they want to control the world’s holiest site to the Jewish people. Just days ago, Palestinians set ablaze another holy Jewish site – Joseph’s Tomb. This ruling on the Temple Mount could escalate matters in Israel.

 Israeli Ambassador to UNESCO Carmel Shama Hacohen stated regarding the resolution: “It gives a stamp of authenticity to Palestinian violence against Israel…it only adds more fuel to the fire (and) both sides will pay in blood for that decision.”

 Please pray for peace in Israel and that the Palestinians would gain no further foothold.