Song For Israel's Third Bomb Shelter has been Deployed Near the Gaza Border, Israel
Limor Eilat is on the right. She is the Director of the Artists Center
Our third Bomb Shelter, donated in 2019, has been placed in Zohar in the Eshkol Region at a community art center. This art center helps relieve stress as attendees create art as trauma therapy as they struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because of incoming rockets. The shelter sits just a mile away from the Gaza Border.
This sign is on the outside of the shelter.
This art center is located near a small restaurant where the sign on the door reads: "We have no bomb shelter, but great food and great people!" When I was introduced to the owner last Spring, I told her she would soon need to take her sign down! Shmuel explained that the new shelter would be delivered soon. It has now been delivered and I hope the sign now says: “New bomb shelter” with an arrow for directions!
Please watch the video below of Limor Eilat sharing about the reasons bomb shelters are needed in Israel.
Please help save lives in Israel by donating to put shelters in the Gaza border areas. To be part of this blessing, click here.
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of those who donated money to this third bomb shelter campaign! You are saving lives in Israel!