Song For Israel Donates THIRD Bomb Shelter in Israel
Our third Bomb Shelter was donated in March, 2019, and will be placed in Zohar, in the Eshkol Region at a community art center. This art center helps relieve stress by creating art as trauma therapy for those struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) because of incoming rockets. Zohar is less than one mile from the Gaza border and experiences frequent rocket attacks.
This art center is located near a small restaurant where the sign on the door reads: "We have no bomb shelter, but great food and great people!" I was introduced to the owner and told her she would soon need to take her sign down! Shmuel explained that the new shelter would be delivered soon. The expected delivery for this shelter will be around June.

In the picture with Shmuel Bowman (Executive Director of Operation Lifeshield), Deby Brown (Director of Song For Israel) and Limor Eilat (Director Artists Center), you can see behind us, just less than a mile, is the Gaza Border.
Please watch this video of Limor Eilat, Director of the art center, for her vision.
To donate for our fourth bomb shelter and save lives in Israel, please click here.