"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Division in Israel by Gil Afriat at Tiferet Yeshua (Messianic congregation), Israel

Israel is in unprecedented political and social turmoil. A very powerful spirit of division and extremism has come upon both ends of the political spectrum to such an extent that it is risking the nation's security in the face of Israel's many enemies. Both sides are becoming increasingly extreme and irrational, refusing to find the middle ground with each other. There is more hostility and hatred between the opposing camps than ever before. Israel's enemies are watching closely and smelling any opportunity. A spirit of division and internal hatred was released upon Israel during the time of the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans as a divine punishment. God restrains evil and releases it according to His perfect plans.

  • Please pray together with us: For God's mercy and patience upon Israel, that He would restrain this evil spirit of division and hatred among the people

  • For His grace and protection over Israel to continue, allowing more time for people to repent and be saved (2 Peter 3:9)

Thank you for standing with us in prayer! We could not do what the Lord has called us to here in Israel without your prayers and support!
