"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Israel Will Simulate Massive IDF Military Strike on Iran

There has been a growing concern that Iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon ready to target Israel. With that concern in mind, Israel plans to simulate striking Iran in a massive Israeli Defense Force (IDF) airstrike drill. The Jerusalem Post has named this simulation “Chariots of Fire Drill.”

The drill will simulate striking Iranian nuclear targets with a large number of planes on six different fronts, while at the same time, receiving new targets. This drill is unique and unprecedented and will enable the IDF to reach a stage of being ready when changes in this region are constant. In the past Israel has been attacked by multiple enemies at the same time and on all borders—this could happen again.

This will be the "largest military drill in Israel's history, with thousands of soldiers and reservists taking part. Almost all units of the IDF will participate in the month-long maneuvers, scheduled to start on May 29," according to The Times of Israel. The Times of Israel reported that a reason for the drill is that Israel wants to be prepared in case stalled negotiations fail between the United States and Iran over a new nuclear deal.