"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Political Earthquake in Israel

Politics in Israel are VERY different from what we have in America. Unless you follow how their government is formed and how they work, it will all just seem very complicated.

The big news today is that the Knesset coalition leader, Idit Silman resigned from the government. She is with the right-wing Yamina Party. What does this mean? There are 120 seats in the Knesset and there needs to be a majority to remain as the government. All they need to hold is 61 seats. Holding 61 seats has been keeping the Knesset together since the last election. Now, with Idit Silman leaving, there is no longer a majority. This is a political earthquake!

Idit is concerned that the Jewish nature of the state is eroding under certain policies in the new government, which is less than one year old. “I will not abet the harming of the Jewish identity of the State of Israel and the people of Israel. I will continue to try to persuade my friends to return home and form a right-wing government, I know I am not the only one who feels this way. Another government can be formed in this Knesset.” —MK Idit Silman

The coalition was thrown together at the last election with weakness because their common goal was to make sure that Benjamin Netanyahu would not continue as Prime Minister. Naftali Bennett (of the Yamina Party) became Prime Minister.

Not only is Idit Silman leaving her role in the Knesset, but she is also leaving the Yamina Party and joining the Likud party (another right-wing party).

The Knesset MAY govern as a minority government until the next election unless something prevents them from continuing. The Likud party could form a new coalition and their leader could become the new Prime Minister. There are many scenarios that could happen but this leaves Israel even more unstable. The Likud party could dissolve the government if that was voted. The government will likely keep rolling as is until the next budget approval next year which would collapse the government.

Please pray for political stability in Israel and wisdom for the remaining leaders as they move forward.