"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Clashes on the Temple Mount this Week as Three Religious Holidays are Observed

This week is Passover (from April 15-23.) It is also Ramadan (the Islamic Holy month ) April - May 1st. In addition, Christians just celebrated Good Friday and Easter during the same dates. Nowhere in the world do the celebrations of multiple monotheistic religions come together as closely as in Jerusalem.

After this weekend, however, the Easter celebrations are not over. In the Orthodox churches and some of the Eastern churches associated with the Catholic Church, the commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus is not held until the following weekend.

When all of these religious holidays coincide, there are clashes.

Shmuel Bowman is our partner with the Bomb Shelter projects (Operation Lifeshield and the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem). Yesterday, Shmuel reported that his friend and neighbor was injured by Arabs throwing stones while taking a public bus to the Western Wall. Also injured was the Chief Rabbi of the Western Wall (aka the Kotel).

Watch this video below by Hananya Naftali. He is a believer, wanting to spread the truth about Israel. He has a career in Israeli government. This video will show you the clashes that are occurring this week in Jerusalem:

Please pray for the safety of all during this week of Passover and continuing through the end of Ramadan.