"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"



Israel’s surrounding enemies have acquired sophisticated long-range missiles and are capable of reaching any location within the Israeli borders. Today the Jewish people face annihilation from radical Muslims, including Hamas and Hezbollah, who continually launch missiles from Gaza to attack towns in southern Israel. The violence escalated sharply since Israel withdrew from Gaza in the summer of 2005. Often, when the air-raid sirens sound in towns such as Sderot or Askelon, there is nowhere for innocent civilians to run for cover. Unfortunately, many do not survive. Because we believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in Israel, Song For Israel believes they have a right to be protected in their land from enemies surrounding them.

"We live in fear and anxiety… We have only 15 seconds to find a shelter..."

Song For Israel recognizes the need for providing bomb shelters to those who cannot afford them. How frightening it must be to know that your family would not be protected because they have no shelter. We are launching a campaign and will be partnering with “Operation Lifeshield” (a non-profit Israeli charity) to provide one small bomb shelter in Israel. “Operation Lifeshield” has placed bomb shelters at public bus stops and schools in the western Negev, to protect the location population from the recurring rocket barrages. To date, they have donated over 25 shelters in Sderot, Ashkelon and other nearby towns and villages.

We will be raising $12,000 for this project and would like to present the check to them in person, in June 2013, while we are on the Israel tour (Click here for information on Israel tour). A plaque will be placed at the entrance of the bomb shelter bearing the Song For Israel name in gratitude for your donations. The shelter will serve as a lasting testimony of Christian love to those who seek safety and comfort inside. It is a wonderful opportunity to express love to the Jewish people.

We can make a difference in Israel. We are asking you to partner with us to protect the lives of our Jewish friends in Israel. Very soon, we will be able to give you information about the city where this will be placed and we will provide regular updates on the progress of this campaign . Start by making a donation today (Click here to donate) and know that you are helping people find safety because of your gift.