"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Israel's 100 Days at War With Hamas (By Operation Lifeshield)

The "Swords of Iron" War continues between Israel and Hamas. Yesterday marked 100 days since Hamas terrorists murdered about 1200 innocent Israeli civilians in the most horrific ways possible, both at the Nova music festival and in their own homes.

Jews worldwide have been heartbroken for 100 days. Not only from the barbaric massacre, and increased antisemitic attacks that followed, but also from seeing the world marching with terrorists, denying our connection to our homeland, and our right to even exist.

Our hostages, including babies, women and elderly, have been held in cruel captivity in Gaza for 100 days. Unbelievable. Those who are still alive are being denied medications, starved, tortured, and many are likely being raped. All this without seeing the light of day or hearing from their loved ones for 100 days.


Watch this moving video of 1,000 Israeli musicians called "Bring Them Home" that was recorded at the amphitheater at Caesarea Maritime. Click here. Note that in the middle of the song, they insert their national anthem called "Hatikva," as relatives walk down the steps wearing shirts with pictures of their relatives still being held as hostages.

How to Pray

Please pray for God's intervention. Pray that the hostages taken from Israel would be released. Pray for the Israel Defense Force soldiers to be safe and strong! Pray for those who have no bomb shelter to find safety. Pray that Israel's leadership will have God's wisdom. For more prayer points, click here.

How to Help

Song For Israel partners with Operation Lifeshield to put Bomb Shelters in strategic locations to save lives in Israel. We have placed ten shelters so far and have $7,800 toward our eleventh one. Each shelter costs $28,600. You can help save lives by donating toward this next bomb shelter. To learn more about our bomb shelter projects, click here. To donate, click here. Please be sure to designate that it goes toward a bomb shelter. Thank you.