"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Special Event - Friday, February 10, 7 pm - Meet Aharon from Israel

Mark your calendar now for this special event featuring Aharon Levarko, from Israel. Aharon led one of our Israel tours in the past and will be guiding our Israel/Petra tour in September 2023!

Aharon will teach on Psalm 90, sharing about Moses’ last days on earth and some of his advice and prayers for future generations. How can there ever be a greater one than Moses? This Messianic figure, Moses, looks ahead and says that the Lord will raise up “one like me” (Deuteronomy 18:18). Is the Tabernacle still with us, or does it dwell in and among us?

Join us in Yorba Linda for an evening filled with a Biblical challenge. You will receive the address once registered. Only 40 seats available. To register, click here.

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