"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


Feast of Tabernacles Recipes

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Please join us for a virtual Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot in Hebrew) celebration October 3 (beginning at sundown), through October 9, 2020. We will soon provide a YouTube link that you can use with your family and friends to celebrate with. You will hear from Deby Brown, Director of Song For Israel; Shmuel Bowman, Executive Director of Operation Lifeshield in Israel, Thomas Winder, archaeologist and Director of the Holy Land Research Institute and special music by Joseph Ott. So make your guest list now, invite your friends and family for a meal and watch the YouTube together.

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In preparation for your meal, you might want to consider some Israeli recipes to enhance your celebration. Several are listed below.

We will be adding to the recipe list, so stay tuned!