"Proclaiming God's Eternal Plan for Israel"


UPDATE on the California Curriculum


Yesterday, Song For Israel posted an article about a new anti-Israel and anti-Jewish  curriculum that would be implemented as part of the course of study for CA high school students. I am happy to announce that the new curriculum has been rejected!

Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs, lauded both the results and the fact that the Jewish community mobilized quickly and as one.

“The pro-Israel community and people of good will stood together, united against a hateful, biased curriculum and demanded change. Our voices were heard. We look forward to seeing a curriculum that is inclusive, and that we can all feel comfortable with.”

A new draft will be developed for the State Board of Education to review. I am still concerned when they say that they will “adopt an ethnic studies model curriculum that aligns to California’s values.” I am glad they voted against the anti-Israel/anti-Jewish curriculum, but I wonder if the same writers will be creating the new curriculum. Gov. Gavin Newsom said that they will continue to work to ensure that the new curriculum “will exclude hateful movements such as BDS, as well as any other narratives that demonize Israel and the Jewish people” (according to United for Israel).

Please continue to pray for a healthy curriculum for our California high school students.

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